Saturday, October 18, 2008

Information Questions

Information Questions
Many times you will want to ask a question that elicits information, instead of a simple yes/no answer. Information questions will begin with one of the following words:
Who refers to people. It is used as the subject of the question.
Whom is used as the object of a verb or preposition.
Whose asks questions about possession.
Why is used to ask questions about reason.
When is used to ask questions about time.
Where is used to ask questions about place.
What can be used as the subject or object of a question. It refers to things.
Which is used instead of what when a question concerns choosing from a definite, known quantity or group.
How generally asks about manner. It is often used with much and many.
When a form of to be is the main verb in the simple present and simple past, it precedes the subject:
--Who is that man?
--Where is the airport?
--Where are the checks?
--What time is it?
The word not is used with do to make a verb negative, as in I don't have any money (don't = do not). No is used as an adjective in front of a noun, as in I have no money. Both of these examples are acceptable ways of expressing the idea that you do not have something.
Note these contracted negative forms with do:
I don't you don't he, she doesn't they don't we don't
Here are some affirmative words and their negative forms in English:
someone, anybody something, anything still ever either... or
no one, nobody nothing no longer never neither... nor Avoid using more than one negative in a clause:
--I don't have any money. NOT: I don't have no money.
--They don't see anybody. NOT: They don't see nobody.
--I didn't do anything. NOT: I didn't do nothing.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tugas Menterjemahkan Ke dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk Kelas 2 NA dan TI 2008.

Dari semua negara yang terpengaruh oleh krisis ekonomi 1997, Indonesia merupakan salah
satu negara yang paling terpukul dan juga menderita sebagian konsekuensi yang berdampak
paling besar. Di negara-negara lain, misalnya Malaysia dan Korea Selatan, pemerintah berhasil menstabilkan perekonomian menyusul kombinasi penerapan kebijakan yang tradisional(Korea Selatan memangkas pengeluaran negaranya) dengan kebijakan yang controversial (Malaysia mengendalikan nilai tukar mata uangnya). Namun di Indonesia, krisis ekonomi lebih dari sekadar ketidakseimbangan dalam fundamental perekonomian. Sebaliknya, krisis itu mengungkapkan kelemahan mendasar negara Indonesia.
Pembangunan Indonesia berlangsung di bawah pemerintahan otoriter yang kuat yang didukung oleh elit pembangunan yang kapitalis, kroni pemerintah berkuasa. Semua lembaga
negara ditekan untuk melayani kepentingan kaum elit, ketimbang bertindak sebagai badan yang independen dengan peraturan dan fungsi masing-masing. Badan regulator yang dapat memeriksa pelanggaran keuangan atau hukum ditekan sedemikian rupa sampai kekuasaan hukum praktis lenyap. Dengan munculnya krisis moneter, perekonomian nasional tak dapat berlindung lebih lama lagi dari realita di dunia internasional, sehingga kelemahan perekonomian Indonesia yang sebenarnya pun terkuak. Rupiah Indonesia kehilangan delapan puluh persen nilainya terhadap dolar (membuat dunia usaha tidak mampu melunasi utang mereka dalam dolar), nilai aset perusahaan hancur dalam sekejap, dan hampir semua perusahaan harus menanggung nilai ekuitas yang negatif. Kolapsnya perekonomian merupakan katalisator bagi kejatuhan rezim otoriter Orde Baru yang berkuasa di Indonesia selama lebih dari tiga puluh tahun. Dengan tergulingnya rezim tersebut, hancur pula legitimasi elit politik, birokrat, hukum, bisnis dan militer. Karena itu, di tengah terpuruknya perekonomian, Indonesia juga harus menjalani transisi untuk mendirikan pemerintahan yang lebih demokratis atas dasar kekuasaan hukum. Namun dengan terbongkarnya kelemahan-kelemahan negara, membangun kembali tata kelola di Indonesia, atau mencoba mengendalikan aparat pemerintah yang tidak puas maupun daerah yang bergolak kini menjadi jauh lebih sulit untuk dilakukan.
Kurangnya kepercayaan terhadap Indonesia belakangan ini merupakan fenomena nasional dan internasional. Salah satu indikatornya adalah kemerosotan investasi di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2001, investasi asing langsung tercatat sebesar US$15 miliar; memasuki tahun 2002, angka itu menurun menjadi kurang lebih US$9,7 miliar. Persetujuan bagi investasi dalam negeri anjlok sebesar 57%, jatuh dari Rp.58,62 triliun pada tahun 2001 menjadi Rp.25,26 triliun pada tahun 2002 (‘FDI Plunged,’ 2003). Namun angka-angka ini tidak mampu menunjukkan realita situasi di lapangan. Selain mengindikasikan rendahnya pembangunan baru, yang dampaknya meluas ke lapangan pekerjaan dan peluang untuk meraih kesejahteraan bagi rakyat banyak, data-data tersebut memperlihatkan bahwa tidak ada dana segar yang ditanamkan ke dalam perusahaan-perusahaan yang sudah berdiri agar dapat menjadi lebih kompetitif dan lebih mampu memenuhi permintaan di masa depan. Bahkan ada kekhawatiran bahwa Indonesia akan mengalami deindustrialisasi di tahun-tahun mendatang – dengan hanya industri ekstraktif (yaitu pertambangan, minyak dan gas) yang tetap dapat menarik minat negara-negara lain. Kesulitan-kesulitan ekonomi tersebut tercermin dalam figur PDB Indonesia dan terlihat dengan jelas ketika kita membandingkan PDB pada harga dasar dari tahun ke tahun sejak 1993 (seperti yang terlihat dalam Tabel 1). Kelemahan ekonomi ini amat merugikan bagi sebuah perekonomian yang perlu menciptakan lebih dari 2 juta pekerjaan baru setiap tahunnya hanya agar dapat menyerap pencari kerja baru. Hal kebutuhan ini diperkuat dengan fakta bahwa pasar tenaga kerja tumbuh dari sedikit di bawah 81 juta orang pada tahun 1993 (Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi, 1999) menjadi 97,6 juta orang pada akhir 2000 (Witular, 2002). Sementara data sosioekonomi lain menyoroti dalamnya dampak krisis ekonomi. Contohnya, pada awal krisis, meski enam puluh persen penduduk masih tinggal di daerah pedesaan dan bekerja di sektor pertanian, dua pertiga dari empat puluh persen sisanya bekerja di sektor formal – di kantor, pabrik atau institusi pemerintah. Kendati demikian, dengan banyaknya tenaga kerja yang mengalami pemutusan hubungan kerja, komposisi ini kemudian berbalik. Banyak penganggur baru yang kemudian harus mencari jalan lain untuk mencari nafkah, dan sejak tahun 1997, sektor informal tumbuh hingga mampu menyerap tujuh puluh persen penduduk yang bekerja bukan di sektor pertanian. Banyak penganggur juga terpaksa kembali ke kampung halaman dan desanya untuk bekerja sebagai buruh lepas atau untuk kembali mengolah lahannya (sehingga kian memperburuk kemiskinan di pedesaan). (RR: 2003) My email

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Slow down and Use Easy Vocabulary

Slow down and Use Easy Vocabulary

Native speakers are often not aware of how quickly they speak. Most teachers need to make a conscious effort to slow down when speaking. Perhaps more importantly, you need to become aware of the type of vocabulary and structures you are using. Here is an example:
OK Tom. Let's hit the books. Have you got through your homework for today?
At this point, the student is probably thinking WHAT! (in his/her native language)! By using common idioms (hit the books), you increase the chance that the student will not understand you. By using phrasal verbs (get through), you can confuse students who may already have quite a good grasp of basic verbs ("finish" instead of "get through" in this case). Slowing down speech patterns and eliminating idioms and phrasal verbs can go a long way to helping students learn more effectively. Maybe the lesson should begin like this:
OK Tom. Let's begin. Have you finished your homework for today?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Distinguish Various Similar Sounding Words

On the English test, you may have to choose among statements that contain similar sounding words. Some English words have similar pronunciation. To distinguish similar sounding words you have to listen and study the differences in making the words sound with our organ of speech. Then, you have to think about what will make sense in the sentence.

Here are some English words that have similar sound but they have difference in meaning whilst are in a sentence.

A. Words that sound similar at the beginning
Personal personnel
Magnet magnate
Respectively respectfully
Than then
Devise device

And find some more other words.

B. Words that sound similar at the end
hand brand
cab tab
large charge
pay say
place pace

And find some more other words.

C. Words that sound similar when combined with other words.
(they are) they’re their
(he will) he’ll hill
(we will) we’ll well

To train your students, find some books with best practices on similar sounding words. Reading aloud is very applicable here to train students’ oral language, and listening to reading aloud poetry that rhymes are good ways to practice.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Some Midtest Materials

-Talking about hobbies and Interests: Do you like fishing?, What do you like doing in your spare time?
-Guest handling (People): What can I do for U?, Welcome to..., I hope you enjoy....
-Expression dealing with telephone conversation. (Adjectives clause).
-Reported Speech.
-Telling about people's jobusing simple present: A chef prepares foods.
-Telling about people educational background.
-Telling about past event.
Good luck! Enjoy preparing.



Thursday, October 09, 2008

English Mid Term 2008 Preparation

Good day students!

I am hoping that you are all in a good shape today.
How's your day? Is it fun or you need more energy!
Well, Your English midterm test will soon approach you.
I just want to motivate you that English is something you need to master.
It's your time to proof who you are.
Be the best. Be the best. Be the best. Because, you are all the best.

Best regards!


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Making Complaints

Making Complaints
There are a number of formulas used when complaining in English. It's important to remember that a direct complaint or criticism in English can sound rude or aggressive. It's best to mention a problem in an indirect manner. Here are some of the most common:
· I'm sorry to have to say this but...
· I'm sorry to bother you, but...
· Maybe you forgot to...
· I think you might have forgotten to...
· Excuse me if I'm out of line, but...
· There may have been a misunderstanding about...
· Don't get me wrong, but I think we should...
After you study these constructions, take the
making complaints quiz to check your understanding.
I'm sorry to have to say this but I think we need to take another approach.
I'm sorry to bother you, but I think you need to refine this layout.
Maybe you forgot to include his name and number.
I think you might have forgotten to finish the report on time.
Excuse me if I'm out of line, but your work has not been adequate lately.